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Video Camera


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The Competition will test the technical skills of competitors, including editing and videography. In addition to these skills, the Competition will test the creative skills of competitors, including direction, acting, storyline, and emotional trajectory of the movie. The topics are: 

6th-8th: Breakthrough, Karma (choose one)

9th-12th: Stereotypes, Epiphany (choose one)

Format and rules:

There are 2 categories (6th to 8th and 9th to 12th) and both of them will have separate prizes and topics.

Participants must submit a YouTube link containing their entry and in the description, an information transcript containing the details of the equipment used, crew, and software used.

The movie must be 3-5 minutes long.

The first, second, and third-placed teams from each category will be declared winners

Any video editing software is allowed

Acting, directing, shooting, writing, and editing must be done by the team themselves, and no external editors, writers, shooters, or actors are allowed. A team found employing any of the above will be disqualified

Only English and Hindi are allowed. No other language will be accepted

The date for the submission is the 11th of October.

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