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The Competition will be based on the innovative and thinking abilities of the competitors, collating their problem solving, thinking, software and mechanical skills to make a hardware or software project that can truly make an impact. The tracks for Hacktrack are as follows:





5.Sports and fitness

A team must choose one track to base their project on

Format and rules:

Participants can make a hardware or software project on any one of the given topics

The participants must submit a Project Presentation(PPT, Slides, Pitchdesk), code file(if it is a software project), project schematic(hardware/software), Mechanical device(if it is a hardware project)

The Competition would be structured into two Rounds with the first round being online and the final round being offline:

Round 1:

Round One would not be a Live Round. Participants will submit their hardware or software project based on either 1 of the 4 tracks to the judges

Submissions will be taken through google forms

For software projects, they must attach a github repository link and for hardware projects, they must attach a google drive link containing photos, videos demonstrating the working(if it is a working model) and CAD renders(optional) of their projects. Top 10 teams will qualify for the second round

Round 2 (Final Showcase):

Round Two will be a Live Showcase

Teams will get 5 minutes to present their projects in front of the judges.

The top 3 teams will be declared winners at the closing ceremony

The date for the submission is the 11th of October.

There will also be a buzzer round with questions from these topics, however, participants will not be allowed to choose the topic in the buzzer round

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